Our Officers
James Stripes
Board Member
James Stripes
James Stripes has been teaching youth chess for twenty years. He works with young players with a range of skill levels from those playing chess for the first time to grade level state champions. His students are consistently among the top performers in his region. Several former students have surpassed him in skill. He also has taught adults and has lectured for Chess University (chessuniversity.com).
As a youth tournament director, he directed more than one hundred tournaments, including two state championships with 1000+ participants. He is a strong class player (USCF) who has won first place in more than twenty events. He writes about studying, playing, and teaching chess at http://chessskill.blogspot.com/.
James is a historian whose day job currently entails teaching courses in the history of technology at Eastern Washington University. He has previously taught courses in history and literature at Whitworth, Washington State, and Gonzaga Universities.