Local Chess Clubs
Ready, Set, MATCH
State/National Chess Federations
US Chess Delegates: Fred Kleist, Murlin Varner (alternate)
Scholastic Chess Organizations (including non-profits)
Note: This does not include the chess schools and camps in the separate listing above.
America's Foundation for Chess – see First Move
First Move Chess (America's Foundation for Chess)
U.S. Chess Federation affiliate clubs –
This includes a number of scholastic affiliates (school chess clubs)
University Chess Clubs
Oregon State University (Beavers)
University of Washington (Huskies) | UW Chess Club on Facebook
Washington State University (Cougars) | WSU Chess Club on Facebook
School chess web sites
King's Way Christian School (Vancouver, WA)
La Center High School Chess Team (La Center, WA)
Medina (elementary school) Chess Club (Medina, WA)
Open Window School (Bellevue, WA)
St. Charles Chess Club (Tacoma, WA)
Idaho Chess Clubs
Master's Academy, at Library! Plaza Business Mall (Corner of Ustick and Cole Road) 3085 N. Cole Road, Boise, ID 83704. Nationally Recognized Children's Chess Coach Contact Julie Nahlen: 208-562-9785 - email: chessanyone@integrity.com
Vellotti's Chess Kids, Quality Instruction available in Boise's North End - 2913 N. 36th St.! Programs available all week long - students grouped by age and ability. Contact State Scholastic and National Chess Champion Daniel J. Vellotti for details at 713-2486 or danielvellotti@yahoo.com.
Western Idaho Scholastic Chess League (WISCL), Monthly Chess Tournaments. 100+ students from over 20 area schools compete for team trophies, and individual awards. Lowell Scott Middle School, 13600 W. McMillan Rd., Boise ID 83714. For info and tournament dates contact: WISCLchess@gmail.com; facebook.com/wiscl, or wiscl.org
Coeur d'Alene
CDA Chess Club, 1323 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814. Meets every Wednesday from 6pm to 10pm. Tournaments and casual play. All levels welcome. Contact info: FM James Maki 858-243-5110, email: jimmaki@cox.net; or Harold Wetmur 208-667-7908, email: wethalmur@roadrunner.com. Website: http://www.cdachess.com.
BCSD Chess Club, Wednesdays, 3:30 - 5:30 pm, Community Campus, during school year. Open, social play. Clocks and boards provided. All ages welcome. Contact Adam, bcsdchessclub@gmail.com for information.
Idaho Falls
Idaho Falls Informal Chess Club, meets at Barnes & Noble Bookstore cafe every Tuesday at 7:00pm.
The Vandal Chess Club, Starting on August 25, 2014 will be meeting on Tuesdays from 7-9 pm PST in the Wallace Residence Hall Basement. For details, please email Shane at shanedavalle@rocketmail.com.
Mountain Home
Mountain Home Public Library, An informal group meets at the Mountain Home Public Library, 790 North 10th East, Mountain Home, Idaho on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and also daily on Mondays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Flying M Coffee Garage, An informal group meets to play at Flying M Coffee Garage, S. 2nd St., on Sundays from 10:00 a.m. onwards until everyone thinks it's time to stop. Some players may be coming at noon and staying later.
Pictures at the meeting of 5-6-2012
Pictures at the meeting of 10-27-2013
Pocatello Chess Club. Friday afternoons starting at 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Marshall Public Library at 113 South Garfield Ave, Pocatello, Idaho; or Mondays from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Portneuf District Library at 5210 Stuart Ave., Chubbuck, Idaho. For more information call Joe Avila at (208) 406-7670 or Terry Brower at (208) 221-6510. Click here to see flyer.
The Grind Coffee Shop. A chess table is available when the shop is open. Contact: Kim Neilsen, 905 S 5th St., Pocatello, Idaho 83201. 208-233-2124 for information.
Snake River
We support and serve the players in East Idaho from Jackson to Arco and from St Anthony to Pocatello. We are based in Idaho Falls and primarily operate at the Idaho Falls Public Library. We have regular meetings there every Wednesday 6-9p and Saturday 11-2p.
Twin Falls
Magic Valley Chess Club, meets at 5:00pm-9:00pm on the second and fourth Tuesday at Barnes and Noble Booksellers in Twin Falls Contact: Barry Eacker 733-6186. Email: mol64@cableone.net.
Idaho Chess Association
Adam Porth: idahochessassociation@gmail.com
Oregon Chess Clubs
Eugene – Campbell Community Center & Emerald City CC at the UO
Medford Chess Club (and others in local area including Ashland)
Portland Chess Club
email@pdxchess.org | 503.246.2978
Portland Chess Meetups
Washington Chess Clubs
Amazon Chess Club (Amazon SLU campus - employees only)
Port Orchard (West Sound Chess Club)
Vancouver - Firstenburg Community Center Chess Club (age 50+)
Seattle Chess Club
Carol & Fred Kleist | 206.417.5405
Seattle Chess Meetups
Pacific Northwest Chess Center
pnwchesscenter@gmail.com | 425.588.1672
Spokane Chess Club
Kevin Krosmo | 509.270.1772
Tacoma Chess Club
Gary Dorfner | 253.535.2536

Move in silence, only speak when it's time to say CHECKMATE.
-Kr. Pankaj Yadav