Our Officers
Elliott Neff
Elliott Neff is the founder and CEO of Chess4Life, which exists to help students develop life skills through the game of chess. Thousands of kids across the country engage with Chess4Life programs each week.
Elliott is a USCF (United State Chess Federation) National Master in Chess. Elliott has personally trained 10,000 students from beginners through national champions. He holds the Professional Chess Coaching Certification Level V, the highest awarded certification by the USCF. Elliott is also the author of A Pawn’s Journey: Transforming Lives One Move at a Time , a novel inspired by true stories of students' life experiences in learning the game of chess. Find out more at www.Chess4Life.com.
Elliott is also the original founder and first president of Chess Enrichment Association (founded 2004) prior to hosting the largest state elementary chess championship in Washington state in 2005 (Lynden) and once again in 2008 (Redmond).